
A word about our worship.
Sunday is traditionally when Episcopalians gather to worship. The principal worship service is the Holy Eucharist, or as it is also known, “The Lord’s Supper,” “Holy Communion,” or “The Mass.”

Worship Styles
There are many different styles in which Episcopalians worship, from very formal with music, elaborate vestments, and incense, to less formal spoken scripts.

The Holy Eucharist:
The Liturgy of the Word.
In spite of the diversity of worship styles in the Episcopal Church, Holy Eucharist always has the same components and the same shape.

A word about our services.
Christ Church holds regularly scheduled weekly services on Sunday at 8:00 AM (Rite I traditional language service with no music) & 10:00 AM (Rite II contemporary language with music and followed by Coffee Hour). When a month has five Sundays, we celebrate a single combined service on the "Fifth Sunday at 9:00 AM.

All are welcome.
All baptized Christians — no matter what age, and no matter of what denomination — are welcome to receive communion, regardless of which church they were baptized in.

Liturgy and Ritual
Worship in the Episcopal Church is said to be “liturgical,” which means that the congregation follows the same service and prays from texts that don’t change very much from week to week.

The Holy Eucharist:
The Liturgy of the Table.
The sacred moment of the service: The priest, before a cup of wine and a plate of wafer, raises his or her hands and says to the congregation, “Take, and eat..,Take, and drink.”
Worship at Christ Church
Our Sunday service at 8:00 am is Rite I, which uses the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer. At 10:00 the liturgy is based on Rite II, which uses more contemporary language. The 10:00 am service also features the organ and choir and the service of acolytes. Lay Readers join lay Eucharistic ministers with the celebrant on the altar at both services. You can read more about Rite I and Rite II here.