Liturgical Schedule
Lay Ministries at Christ Church
From The Catechism (Book of Common Prayer p. 855)
Q.Who are the ministers of the Church?
A.The ministers of the Church are laypersons, bishops, priests, and deacons.
Q.What is the ministry of the laity?
A.The ministry of laypersons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ's work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.
We value the gifts and talents of our members as we raise them up in service of God and the Church.
Here is a list of our current Lay Ministries:
Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Intercessory Prayer Group
Liturgical Schedule Fall Quarter, 2024
Click on the link above to see upcoming readings and assignments for Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Greeters.
Christ Church Altar Guild Description
An amazingly fun group who polish silver and brass, make beautiful the linens of the church, clean candlesticks, arrange flowers, set up and clean up for Sunday services as well as prepare for weddings and funerals that come along, and a hundred other little things. Our altar guild works in teams to keep the chalices and candlesticks bright, the crystal sparkling and the linens fresh and organized.
If you enjoy learning the history, the correct name for items, and the reasons for their use, the time-honored tradition of the Altar Guild is for you.
Our doors are open to all who would like to join us in worship at Christ Church!